The Spotlight


As promised, our new column highlighting member milestones is here.  It’s the SPOTLIGHT!

…Joyce Paul, after her move to Rancho Cucamonga, has remained a dual member of our branch. In addition, she became a member of the OUR AAUW Branch (Ontario, Upland, Rancho) where she now serves as President. Congratulations, Joyce.A

…Karen Van der Baan is thrilled to be a grandmother for the first time with the birth of her granddaughter Emmeline Sky Dominguez, born on New Year’s Eve.  Great timing, Emmeline. You get to be a tax deduction!

…Kelly Collazo got a call last August from the District Superintendent of her school district offering her a principal’s position starting in ONE WEEK!  She said, “YES!”  Extra points, Kelly, for having your old classroom ready for the incoming fourth graders and their new teacher.

…Vicki Marshall fell and fractured her hip on January 11, 2020.  She is healing remarkably well according to her daughter, Geri.  Keep on getting better, Vicki.

…Patricia Cuocco’s husband Dennis got his long-awaited kidney transplant on December 21, 2019.  BEST.  CHRISTMAS. PRESENT. EVER!

…Marcia Orr passed away on December 27, 2019 from complications of a stroke the week prior.  She was 87 and had not been ill.  In fact, we enjoyed Marcia’s company at our October meeting. Marcia, you will be missed.

Throughout the month, as you learn about things, send me an email –  Don’t worry about format or making it into a Word doc.  I will keep items in a file and publish them.  The only thing you MUST concern yourself with is getting permission to share the information from the person involved (or family).  This is very important, since we are not in the business of violating anyone’s privacy.

Patricia Cuocco, Newsletter Editor