We will be doing our meetings with ZOOM for the foreseeable future. If you need help downloading ZOOM and logging in, please get with one of the ZOOM tutors who have volunteered to help.
On your computer, go to ZOOM.us and download a free copy. On your smart phone, download the ZOOM app. When you get an invitation to a meeting, click on the link provided and it will take to you the meeting.
If you are having Internet problems or don’t have a computer, you can call this phone number listed on the ZOOM invitation under:
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
and you will be able to attend like a conference call. You will need the meeting ID and passcode. There won’t be a video, but you can hear, and you can be heard.
If you want to practice before a meeting, please contact a helper.