Community Connections


Since our branch joined the Whittier Are Chamber of Commerce, we have regularly sent delegates to attend Wake up Whittier and other events.  At a meeting to share ideas about nonprofits, we made a connection with Luis Rodriquez from the Lions Club. He told us how they work in the community to provide free vision screening and recycled glasses.   The event will be on June 27 from 8 AM to 1 PM at the Sierra High School Gym, see the flyer on the next page.


Cindy Birt shares another community meetup: “A group of us meet at 8:30 AM on the last Friday of the month at Panera’s at Whittwood for discussion and book exchange.  If you would like to join us, please let Cindy Birt know at”


We all want to hear about what is happening in the lives of our AAUW community.  This section includes community news as well as your personal news, tips, and stories. Send me yours so I can include them in our next newsletter.

Paula Ocampo, Newsletter Editor

(562) 447-7483
