Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

We have completed the reading and discussion of the book The Person You Mean to Be by Dolly Chugh.  There will not be any additional DEI sessions in May or June.  The March attendees were asked to make recommendations for the DEI activity/activities for 2024-2025.

A few ideas generated were:  More DEI speakers on diversity topics, invite speakers from a variety of communities to tell how their lives are impacted by social and government programs, speakers from different age groups experiencing injustices, hybrid meetings, select a book or books that raise our awareness of DEI topics to read as a group to discuss, look at economic challenges in our community such as student housing and how the branch could address the issue, start a diversity interest group to explore different ethnic restaurants, more member led interest groups about different cultures, interactive DEI activities, attend functions of other groups where we would be the minority, activities to take us out of our “comfort zone”, view movies…movie nights, focus on retaining members through more outreach activities such as phone tree, celebrate members (once a month birthday meetup).  Anything sound like something you would like to be part of?

The AAUW website also has a section on DEI programs and activities for branches and a list of DEI books from several different genres.

What would you like to see as our next step?  Looking for ideas from all of you, especially those of you who were unable to participate or uninterested in this year’s activity.

 Send me ideas that interest you and would motivate you to participate.

Any volunteers who are interested in being on a planning committee to look at ideas and come up with our DEI programs and activities for next year? Anyone interested in being a co-DEI- coordinator? I would welcome your participation on the committee.

Let me know you are interested so we can get started!!!!! Kpdudley2002@yahoo.com

Pat Dudley, DEI Coordinator