Dining for Dollars


Hello Everyone.  I am currently working on a June venue for our last Dining For $$$$ fundraiser of the year. There will be information and a flyer sent out to all members at a later date if I am successful.  You’ll note that the June calendar will reflect this by stating TBD for the date. Fingers crossed!  Look for further details in an email this month.    Carole Duff

     THANK YOU        THANK YOU           THANK YOU

Sheryl Crockey and I would like to thank all of you for supporting the Dining For $$$$ events this year.  Your dollars were appreciated and well spent by the Myra Long Scholarship Fund.  Many of you were such loyal participants that we would see you month after month at each venue. There were also members that not only came to the events but they brought a group of friends with them to enjoy the fundraiser with laughter, conversation and support for our organization. Whether you managed to be there one time or many, you are all Superstars in our eyes and we hope you continue to have fun while supporting the scholarship fund with your dollars next year. Thank you so very much!  Have a wonderful summer!

Carole Duff & Sheryl Crockey