Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

The state DEI committee is drafting a strategic plan (possibly a 2- or 3-year plan) based on the environmental scans submitted by the branches.  It should be completed by the May 21st DEI Peer Chat.  The goal area of focus in the draft was financial diversity

Still in need of volunteers. In the May newsletter I requested volunteers both from the DEI session participants and those members who were not involved to meet and help design a plan for DEI activities for next year.

Our DEI goal for next year will be to involve more members in areas of DEI interest to them and aim for more interactive involvement.  I am compiling a list of multiple ideas.  Different members could host an interest area activity…I would continue to do the newsletter articles, attend the state chats, plan the activity with the host, and coordinate a DEI calendar of activities.  A one and done approach to each activity would allow members to select activities they would like to be involved in…. all, some, hopefully not none!

I plan to do a short DEI activity for about 10 or 15 minutes at each meeting (when appropriate as some meetings would not lend themselves to that).

If you cannot volunteer to be on a planning committee but have an idea or opinion on a DEI interest area, speaker, community issues, please send me your suggestions to add to my list.

Thanks, Pat Dudley, DEI Coordinator