Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

The topic for the February branch meeting DEI exercise is The Dual Meaning of Privilege.  For those of you in attendance at the November meeting, you will recall the exercise provided insight into the influence of Headwinds and Tailwinds in one’s life journey.  As extension of that topic, we will look at the concept of Privilege.

GWA Reads DEI book selection is The Last Chinese Chef by Nicole Mones. Fourteen members have indicated they are reading the book.  Readers will be receiving the discussion questions and information on the optional March 26 in-person discussion and updates on the planned DEI dining experience. The discussions will center on the role of food in Chinese culture, rituals and traditions and expand to looking at the influence of food in other cultures.  If you have not yet let Pat Dudley know of your intent to participate in this year’s reading, please contact her.  Kpdudley2002@yahoo.com.


GWA AAUW has partnered with the Whittier Public Library to host the Reel Club movie that will be held at the Central Library on March 17th at 6 PM.  March is Women’s History Month and the topic of the movie will be an inspiring woman in history who has made contributions to equity for women and girls.  Detailed information on the movie selection will be in the March newsletter.  Plan to attend.