Financial Corner


Thank you to those who have renewed their dues already.  For the rest, this is a reminder that it’s time again to renew your membership for most of us.  Most of our memberships expire June 30, 2024.  New members have expiration dates one year from when they joined.  If anyone wants to know when their membership expires, please let me know.

There are two ways to pay your dues.

If you want to pay on-line, you can do that now.  For most of us, after you log in, click on “RENEW”, make sure your information is correct, then choose “National” membership.  Remember to say yes to the question, “Would you like to add Branch or State memberships?”  If you don’t, you will only be a member of National, not a member of our branch.  The branch names are in the order by the branch number.  States are alphabetical, but in California look for our branch under CA0124.  Once you choose that, scroll all the way down to continue.  You will notice that the State of California is already chosen for you.  Your total should be $116.00.  For Lifetime members (those who have pre-paid National dues), choose “Lifetime.”  your dues should be $44.00.  ANY questions, please let me know.

The second way to pay would be to send your dues to me instead, please make the check out to GWA AAUW (Greater Whittier Area AAUW) and mail to me at:

11915 Inez St. #8

Whittier, CA  90605


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kay Clark, Treasurer