Your AAUW Fund donations are making a positive difference by supporting women scholars who are pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conduct postdoctoral research full-time, or prepare research for publication for eight consecutive weeks. They are helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.
There are 31 AAUW Fund Fellows and Grant Recipients located in California. The AAUW Fund Committee has posted their information, including photos and videos, on the AAUW-CA website. If a video has been posted you will find it noted at the end of the recipient’s information. The note indicates to which of the three videos it was added. Keep checking back as more videos are added daily.
When you watch the videos, you will discover that there’s such a wealth of talent, so watch, learn, and enjoy. You can share the wealth of knowledge and learn something new from these amazing Fellowship and Grant recipients.