Named Gift Honoree

How many meetings have you been asked to attend?  Our second Named Gift Honoree has done so more than once. And she does it with a smile on her face and a positive attitude.  Our honoree Nadine Wilcox was celebrated at our branch meeting on May 11.

She started her long and dedicated career when she graduated from the University of California at San Francisco with a Bachelor of Science Nursing Degree. She eventually earned a Master’s Degree in nursing, as well. Her varied career has included working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and as the only nurse for a local school district. In addition, she was a board member of the Los Angeles County Nurse Association.

Her caring ways have translated into community service, as well.  She has driven to local Little Free Libraries in people’s front yards in order to replenish books from our local library book store.  Nadine also organized the medical books’ section in the same store. She has been on the vestry board of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Monrovia.

As for her personal life, Nadine lives with a son and a host of cats and dogs.  She is a supporter of rescue animals and has been known to foster a few.

We salute Nadine Wilcox for stepping up to become AAUW president and for all the contributions she has made to her profession and to her community.

I want to add a special thanks to the AAUW Fund Named Gift Committee Members: Kay Clark, Carole Restovich, and Karen van der Baan for taking on the extra responsibilities of writing and making the presentations at the branch meetings in April and May. When they agreed to be on the committee, they had no idea so much would be involved. I am very grateful for their willingness to serve “beyond the call of duty” because of my necessary absence.

AAUW Fund V.P. Dolores Seidman