Peering into the Past, Hoping for a Better Future
As we leave February behind and blow hurriedly into March, many of us think of Women’s History Month and ponder how far we have come. “We have come a long way, baby!” but not by smoking skinny cigarettes in a hidden room, or by pulling up our skirts at school. We haven’t even come a long way because women are now prominently visible in the workforce, although, this was a major accomplishment, and perhaps would not have occurred without the devastation of war at our doorstep in the early 1940’s. No, we have come a long way because we believe in ourselves, and we believe in women helping women, women believing that equality is a worthwhile goal, and that human dignity is everyone’s right.
With Women’s History Month here, Dr. Emily Teipe is about to step into our minds with some mind-boggling stories of women’s struggles in the labor movement. She will be walking us back to the early 20th century when opportunities for women who wanted to work were nearly non-existent and likely far more hazardous.
Emily is a Professor Emerita, of Fullerton College where she has taught for thirty plus years and continues to teach Women’s History there, post-retirement.
Dr. Teipe spends much of her time researching and writing books that focus on life in 18th century America as well as religious history. Emily was born in Baltimore, Maryland, attended the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, California State University and holds a doctorate from the University of California. She is the proud mom of four sons and six grandchildren. Her recent publications are:
O Beloved Friend, the Life and Writing of Anne Emlen Mifflin, co-authored with the late Dr. Gary Nash. Different Voices, Women in United States History, Fourth Edition, and a work in progress, Las Santas Our Sisters in Faith and Spirit, Second Edition.
We look forward to welcoming Dr. Teipe to our March meeting, and we hope to see all of you there!
Submitted by:
Claire Koehler, AAUW VP Program Director
Ann Topjon, Program Committee