Myra Long Scholarship Fund


The Myra Long Scholarship Fund Committee has had a successful year.  First, it was the effective Math/Science Conference in January coordinated by Sharon Heck, who will serve her fourth term as President of our branch.  There were 400 girls that attended three workshops each. A big thank you to all the volunteers who made this a positive experience in the community.

Carole Restovich, scholarship Chairperson has done an awesome job.  Her computer and internet provider were not cooperative, and she had some frustrations.  She didn’t complain. She put her head down and continued to roll with the challenges. There were six applicants from Rio Hondo Community College. The Rio Hondo students are receiving a total of $12,500 in scholarship funds.  The recipient of the Earlyne Clemons Nursing Scholarship received $2,500 and the other five recipients received a total of $10,000.  All fifteen applicants from three high schools are receiving a total of $25,000 in scholarships.   You may get to meet and hear from some of the applicants at the June 6, AAUW meeting.

The Tech Trek interviews were held for eight 13-year-old girls at Rivera Middle School in Pico Rivera.  Five of the applicants will be attending Whittier College Tech Trek starting Sunday, June 23 and ending Saturday June 29, 2024.  Volunteers will sign the girls in at Whittier College on two Sunday afternoons: June 16, and June 23.  Volunteer sign-up forms are available from Brenda Carrillo, Tech Trek Coordinator and Nadine Wilcox, President. The AAUW branch is hosting a dinner on Saturday night June 22, for the Tech Trek staff.

Pat Dudley, Special Grant Coordinator reported that four grants were given to Dexter middle School for a total of $1,960.  More grants were submitted but did not qualify as STEM projects.

Patricia Duff and Sheryl Crockey did an outstanding job this year with Dining for $$$$ fundraising.  They selected quality restaurants with a percentage of your food bill donated to the MLSF. The final total donations are not tallied however, the amount will be substantial. Again, we thank all the members and their guests who made this fundraiser profitable.

Our MLSF investment account at Edward Jones is producing earnings as projected. As of March 31, 2024, we have received $6,500 from the beautiful fundraising letter produced by Cherie Trapani a talented member of the branch.

Respectively submitted by Barbara Gile, Chairperson

Myra Long Scholarship Committee Directors

Ann Chambers, Patricia Dudley, Barbara Gile, Susan Halliday, Sharon Heck, Kaye Kidwell, Carole Restovich
