Reading, Interpretation, Performance (RIP)


R.I.P. is not active at this time.  Please let the AAUW Board know if you have an interest in reviving this group.

R.I.P members working on their presentation, The Flowering of Friendship, March 2017.

Further information:

R.I.P. FACTS:  R.I.P. was designed to fulfill a desire/need for creative oral/interpretive expression within a small group.  This led to performing when needed for our Branch. (R.I.P’ers responded every other year in past years.)  Other AAUW Branches also have been their audience, not to mention

well-respected community groups. Although R.I.P. became a section in 1977, creative members had already begun performing  (along with researching, etc.) as early as ‘ 75.  In 1976, to celebrate our Nation’s Bicentennial, they honored our foremothers with a sparkling and enthusiastic mini-Reader’s Theatre.


  • A fondness for reading quality material;

  • Willingness to “perform” within a small group to a small or possibly larger group (members performed to celebrate our Branch’s 75th birthday in May 2000);

  • Generosity in sharing any talents in writing, literary research, musical abilities, creative ideas for productions within our scope;

  • A sense of humor is a definite plus

LIST OF R.I.P. “Productions

(Reading, Interpretation, Performance Since 1977)

  1. The Reluctant Dragon

  2. Charlotte’s Web

  3. Women’s Three R’s

  4. What Color is Time?

  5. Spoon River

  6. What Have You Been Doing in the Last 80 Years? (About Women in the ‘80’s)

  7. MOTHERS, Everybody Has One

  8. Radio Show in the ‘40”s

  9. Shower of Stars (A salute to women in Entertainment)

  10. By the Pricking of My Thumb (Halloween)

  11. Recollections and Reflections of Jessamyn West

  12. Jessamyn West Remembered

  13. Jessamyn West Re-embraced

  14. Great Women in History

  15. A ”Spoof” Melodrama with villain, heroine, and hero

  16. A Celebration of Whittier Branch’s 75th Anniversary (2000)

  17. The Seasons of Our Memory (2009)

  18. The Flowering of Friendship